‘I Would 110 Percent Recommend’ Shen Yun: State Representative

Epoch Newsroom
PHILADELPHIA—“It’s amazing. Divine, majestical, beautiful, powerful, engaging,” Delaware state Rep. Lyndon D. Yearick said after watching Shen Yun’s matinee at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia on March 17. “The persistence, the hard work, the history. It’s just an amazing show that can portray 5,000 years of a dynamic culture and country.”
As House Minority whip, he brought with him a certificate of recognition to honor Shen Yun Performing Arts for their efforts to revive 5,000 years of Chinese culture.

Mr. Yearick had nothing but praise for the artistry of the performance.

“The artistry is magnificent. The visual, the dance, the music, it puts it all together. Those are our senses that we live off of that. Very few words are spoken during it outside of the performers, the vocalists, but the beauty of the dance is visual and so impactful that it has no language .... you have to be engulfed and just mesmerized by the beauty of it all.”

Reflecting on Shen Yun’s modern-day story dance raising awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong—a peaceful spiritual practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, Mr. Yearick said he visited Taiwan six years ago and has heard of the struggles in China and that the persecution is “horrible.”
“It’s not the Chinese people, it’s the Chinese government, unfortunately, or the communist regime, the powerful, wish to continue to refrain from freedom and opportunity and free speech. And they use that persistent threat of fear, and governance, and power. It’s horrific for the beautiful people of China to live under that threat. And unfortunately, very few have that opportunity to travel to leave that ... It’s just a tragic story that theCommunist Party still has that significant power and threat over the people of China.”

Through classical Chinese dance and music, Shen Yun is sharing with the world the beauty of China’s authentic 5,000 years of history. Since its founding in 2006, the company has received worldwide accolades for its mission to revive traditional Chinese culture.

Delaware State Representative Lyndon D. Yearick (right) presents a certificate of recognition to Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia on March 17, 2024. (Steve Wen/The Epoch Times)
Delaware State Representative Lyndon D. Yearick (right) presents a certificate of recognition to Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia on March 17, 2024. Steve Wen/The Epoch Times
Mr. Yearick said he appreciated the spiritual culture of traditional China that Shen Yun presented.

“The universal truths, kindness, humility, civility, hard work, truth, faith, do the right thing, look out for your neighbor, take care of your enemy, pray, hard work, perseverance. But the universal truth of kindness and those are traits and honesty and the commitment that regardless of our country, our culture, our language if we could all embrace that and practice that more and more.

“We live in a small world. This is a very small world. And those universal truths of faith, kindness, honesty, empathy, compassion, which the show brings forward, that if we can just practice those every day, the world would be a better place one person at a time.”

Mr. Yearick said he “absolutely” believes that Shen Yun brings hope to our modern society.

The hope that can be portrayed from the beautiful people, the 5,000-year culture of China, is a truth that lives on, whether it’s in Asia or North America or Europe or Russia, Indonesia, wherever it may be, that kindness is a universal truth that if we can look after ourselves, I mean, we are to treat others like it’s the golden rule, and to treat others like we wish to be treated.

“Love our God like our only God, and love our neighbor like ourselves, and that’s a universal truth. It may be dependent upon the God that you worship—if we can just embrace each other and love each other with kindness and truth and empathy, we could be a better place one person at a time.”

Mr. Yearick appreciated the dedication of the performers.
Well done, these are years of practice and perseverance and hard work and ongoing, but the love of it, you can tell that’s a love of what they do, and it shows, it comes through with their energy and their passion that it’s just engulfing, it’s engaging to watch that level of expertise that again, under the umbrella of kindness and truth and a divine nature. A God that we worship, that is just the visual, powerful, two and a half hours of really mesmerizing experience.”
This is the first time Mr. Yearick has attended a Shen Yun performance. He said he would highly recommend Shen Yun.

“I would 110 percent recommend it. It was great to hear that there’s a different show each and every year so that it’s not just one show and you’ve seen it all. It’s a new performance and a new history. It’s a history lesson each and every year under the principles of truth and kindness. Do the right thing. Look out for your family. I look forward to being here next year.”

Reporting by William Huang and Lily Sun.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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