‘I Suddenly Awoke, and Immediately Felt a Warm Current,’ Says Medical Professor After Shen Yun

‘I Suddenly Awoke, and Immediately Felt a Warm Current,’ Says Medical Professor After Shen Yun
Mr. Kuroda Naohito, a medical professor from the Japanese famous Fukushima Prefectural University of Medicine, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Tochigi Prefecture Cultural Center in Utsunomiya, Japan, on Jan. 22, 2023. (Fujino Takeshi/The Epoch Times)

UTSUNOMIYA, Japan—A Japanese medical professor was amazed by Shen Yun Performing Arts’ beauty. He attended a performance at the Tochigi Prefecture Cultural Center on Jan. 22, and concluded that faith is the key to Shen Yun’s extraordinariness.

“Everything of Shen Yun is perfectly beautiful,” Mr. Kuroda Naohito, a medical professor from the Japanese famous Fukushima Prefectural University of Medicine.

“The group dances performed without a single fault. The dancers are really well-trained,” he said. “The male dancers’ tumbling and jumping are majestic. The female dancers’ movements are also very lovely … I had a great, memorable, and peaceful time.”

“I felt very relaxed attending the show,” said Mr. Kuroda

Mr. Kuroda said he had much to think about while he enjoyed a feast for the eyes. He thought although all Shen Yun dancers and musicians have solid skills and techniques, there were more reasons that made Shen Yun unique.

“The baritone’s voice is powerful and masculine. From his song’s lyrics, I obtained the message which echoed in my mind,” he said. “It’s the faith. I suddenly awoke, and immediately felt a warm current entering my heart.”

Mr. Kuroda believed that it was the faith in divine beings that encouraged the Shen Yun artists to perform with their hearts during the show, and it must be that faith that helped the artists withstand the very tough training every day.

“[I understand from Shen Yun that] it doesn’t matter we suffer some hardships now, but we need to have faith. Faith is the light, which can encourage us to move forward,” he said.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.” The name “Shen Yun” means the “beauty of divine beings dancing.”
Mr. Kuroda said he felt very sorry that Shen Yun couldn’t perform in China, where the ruling Communist Party destroyed Chinese tradition and culture over the past 70 years.

“That culture can’t be inherited is a big problem,” he said.

Mr. Ishi Mitsuo, a first-class architect, has a deeper understanding of this problem. Mr. Ishi taught in mainland China, where he had been cheated by people several times.

“It’s very important to save and revive the traditional Chinese culture,” he said. “I have a very bad impression of current China, which has lost the tradition and culture.”

Mr. Ishi said that he saw the real China in Shen Yun, in which people believe in divine beings, respect each other, and live in harmony.

“I have always felt that the Chinese Communist Party does wrong,” he said. “Actually, China’s tradition is very on point!”

The 5,000 years of China’s civilization were built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, virtues like loyalty, propriety, wisdom, justice, and benevolence—values that are universal and shared the world over.

Mr. Ishi Mitsuo, a first-class architect, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Tochigi Prefecture Cultural Center in Utsunomiya, Japan, on Jan. 22, 2023. (Annie Gong/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Ishi Mitsuo, a first-class architect, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Tochigi Prefecture Cultural Center in Utsunomiya, Japan, on Jan. 22, 2023. (Annie Gong/The Epoch Times)

This is the first time that Mr. Ishi attended Shen Yun. He said he was surprised by the excellence of Shen Yun and he wanted to attend again and again.

“When the curtain opened, I saw the clouds and a scene in heaven. At that point, I was in awe. My tears started automatically,” he said. “The show is amazing!”

“I didn’t think there would be a complete live orchestra that plays on-site. It’s brilliant. There are even classical Chinese instruments that cooperate with Western instruments so harmoniously. It’s magnificent!”

Mr. Fukushima Masanori, the president of an electric automatic control company, enjoyed the orchestra as well. He said: “The live orchestra is super good. It made me feel I was inside the stories.”

Mr. Fukushima appreciated story-based dances, which opened a door for him to take a look at a very rich cultural treasure.

“Shen Yun helps people to understand the traditional culture in a very easy and relaxed way. It’s like the God or the Buddha taught people the culture in ancient times,” he said. “Shen Yun is awesome.”

Each Shen Yun performance consists of nearly 20 vignettes, presented through highly-expressive art forms such as classical Chinese dance, original orchestral music performed live, soloists who sing in the bel canto tradition, animated digital backdrops, and more.

Mr. Fukushima said Shen Yun’s high-expressive art forms explain the culture clearly, and even a person without any background knowledge can get the point.

“Shen Yun did a great job! And they’re reviving the culture, which must be done,” he said.

Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Utsunomiya, Japan.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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