‘I felt energy emanating from the stage,’ Restaurant Owner Says

‘I felt energy emanating from the stage,’ Restaurant Owner Says
Engelbert Lind (L), a restaurant owner, and his wife, Hera Lind, an author, attended the Shen Yun performance at the Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg, Austria, on April 16, 2017. (NTD Television)

“It was amazing, and I feel great respect for the effort and the achievement made by the performers.”

“I was astounded by the unbelievable flexibility displayed by the young dancers, and the staging of the entire performance. The entire performance was perfect.”

“The stories are very inspirational. I’m very impressed.”

“I again learned of the importance of cultivation. …”

“Tradition is fundamental for a society, and it is inspiring that the Chinese culture is displayed in Europe.”

“Shen Yun conveyed to me that people have to be respectful of each other, tolerate the differences, and bring happiness to others.”

“I felt energy emanating from the stage, bringing liveliness to those watching Shen Yun.”

“The exactness displayed by the dancers is amazing and unusual.”

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