‘I cried, it’s so beautiful,’ Audience Member Says after Attending Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

‘I cried, it’s so beautiful,’ Audience Member Says after Attending Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

“Last year I came and I couldn’t believe [it]. ... I think [Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is] the best, the best in the world. I enjoy it and I’m going to come back next year, and the year after that, until I’m 105.”


“I cried, it’s so beautiful, ... it’s touching.”


“I don’t cry because I’m sad. I cry because I feel so happy to be able to hear it.”


“I’m 83 and I have never missed any opportunity to learn more. And when I discovered them last year—this year, I had to get a ticket.”


“I see everything in the positive. ... When I came in tonight, it was pouring rain, but I knew once I get inside it would be sunny, warm, and friendly, and that makes me feel good.”

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