Harmony Between Stage and Backdrop is Sensational

Harmony Between Stage and Backdrop is Sensational

“Shen Yun’s performance was amazingly professional. The harmony between stage and backdrop was sensational, and the dancers’ bearing was spectacular.”

“The dancers’ technique, the execution of the dancers’ steps, their bodily composure, as well as the aesthetic formation of the group was inspiring and phenomenal. The choreography was remarkable and the costumes were stunning.”

“It is extraordinary that we can see a Chinese show that is banned in that country. I find it incredible that we can see the authentic revived Chinese tradition and glean Chinese emotions.”

“On watching the Shen Yun, I noticed the Chinese relationship with nature, the zest for life, vitality and the humanness. I gathered that there is a solidarity in the Chinese psyche and society at large plays a big role in Chinese life.”

“It appears that human dignity plays a major role among the Chinese people. Somehow I felt connected to that, as fundamentally people are the same throughout the world.”

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