Golden Triangle Showgoers Laud Shen Yun

Golden Triangle Showgoers Laud Shen Yun
Gordy Mackenzie and his wife, Darlene, were deeply impressed by Shen Yun’s renowned depiction of traditional Chinese culture at Centre In The Square on Dec. 30, 2014. (Xinxin Teng/Epoch Times)

KITCHENER, Canada—It was a quick run, just two shows, but that was enough time for thousands of people from Ontario’s Golden Triangle area to see Shen Yun Performing Arts at Centre In The Square in Kitchener on Dec. 29 and 30.

Retired bank executive Gordy Mackenzie and his wife, Darlene, a retired banker, were deeply impressed after seeing the renowned classical Chinese dance and music production on Tuesday night, Dec. 30.

“Terrific, very very great. The pageantry, the choreography, the costumes, the athleticism of the performers—simply outstanding,” said Mr. Mackenzie.

The dancers were phenomenal, he said. “It’s spectacular. Beyond expectation.”

“I loved it. It’s elegant, the colours, just spectacular. Very very unique. I haven’t seen anything like it,” said Mrs. Mackenzie.

“The athleticism; and I noticed that the gowns that they wear, they float, they seem to float along the stage. … The history, it’s all coming together. It’s quite unique,” she said.

The couple said they would leave the performance with lasting memories.

“Just how spectacular the staging was, and again the athleticism, the pageantry, the talent, the colour, and the cultural tie as to what is not being permitted in China today. It’s phenomenal to be able to come to Canada and see a presentation of this scope. It’s unbelievable,” Mr. Mackenzie said.

“I feel the same way, that it’s unique. I can take it away and say I’ve never seen anything like it. This will stay with me for a long time,” said his wife.

“We will be recommending it highly to anybody who hasn’t seen it yet,” added Mr. Mackenzie.

‘Presentation is great’

Steve Petovello is a welder by trade, but admits to being an artist as well.

“The dancing is very strong. I think the movement is fantastic. The presentation is great,” he said of the performance.

“Overall I’m enjoying it,” he said during the intermission. “I think it’s fantastic. … I think it’s wonderful.”

Speaking as an artist, he said Shen Yun put on a solid presentation.

“The way that they have incorporated the costumes are definitely gorgeous, and they did a wonderful job with that. I think overall it’s very strong presentation,” he said.

“The colours are fantastic. I thought that initially the first number with the yellow and the striking pink was very, very dramatic. A great way to start.”

The show was impressive right from the rise of the opening curtain, he said.

“You want to capture the imagination of the audience and I think [the first piece] was enough of a visual and comparison of those two—the blend of colour combinations. … I thought it was a very good way of getting the crowd involved.”

“I think the strength is in the dancing,” Mr. Petovello added.

‘It’s really uplifting’

Rob Holody and his wife, Patti, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at Kitchener's Centre In The Square on Dec. 30, 2014. (Xinxin Teng/Epoch Times)
Rob Holody and his wife, Patti, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at Kitchener's Centre In The Square on Dec. 30, 2014. (Xinxin Teng/Epoch Times)

Rob Holody and his wife, Patti, both particularly enjoyed the piece Sleeves of Grace, in which the dancers’ long, silken sleeves trail through the air in ethereal patterns.

“It was really pretty,” said Mrs. Holody.

“I enjoyed the sleeves as well. I think the women are spectacular, very graceful,” said her husband, VP-operations manager at Holody Electro-plating Ltd., a family-owned business since 1955.

“[The dancers] are so coordinated, in sync … graceful, really pretty,” continued Mrs. Holody. “It’s really uplifting—just a joyous feeling watching it.”

They also enjoyed Shen Yun’s unique animated backdrops.

“It’s really well integrated,” said Mr. Holody. “We’re looking forward to seeing the second half.”

Reporting by Xinxin Teng and Quincy Yu

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.