Former Sociologist Tears up With Inner-Peace Felt at Shen Yun

Former Sociologist Tears up With Inner-Peace Felt at Shen Yun
Constance Owings and her granddaughter enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Mobile Civic Center Theater, Mobile, Alabama, on Jan. 9, 2018. Sally Sun/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

“It was beautiful. It was the best show I have ever seen in my entire life ... I loved it. It was just beautiful—I learned so much about the Chinese culture. And I just loved it.”

“The performance, the spirituality of the Dafa ... the spirituality of the heaven, the whole story about the heaven, and the soul, the memory of the soul, and the dancing, which is beautiful.”

“I feel happy, just happiness, complete peace and happiness. Just complete peace and happiness.”

“It brought tears to my eyes because it is just, it is just, the peace, the inner-peace, you feel, when you see something like this. And to know the hard work that these beautiful actors and actresses and performers what they put into it, you can tell it is in their souls ... You can see, you can see in the movement. You can see in their facial expression, you can see that they believe in what they are doing. And it is not acting; it is spiritual, it is beautiful. It is just beautiful.”

“I would thank [the Shen Yun performers] for all their hard work, their dedication, their devotion, thank you for inspiring me, thank you for letting me be a part of this. Because it was just beautiful, it was phenomenal.”


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