Former Prop Specialist Says Shen Yun Is ‘Tremendous’

Former Prop Specialist Says Shen Yun Is ‘Tremendous’
Tony Gamiello attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Performing Arts Center, Purchase College on April 20, 2023. Weiyong Zhu/The Epoch Times

PURCHASE, N.Y.—Tony Gamiello attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Performing Arts Center, Purchase College, on April 20.

Retired from the motion picture/television industry, Gamiello said, “I enjoyed the whole show, the way they incorporated everything: the choreography, the music, and incorporating the Eastern and Western instruments in the orchestra. And I also enjoyed the 3D backdrop animation that was incorporated in [the performances]. It was spectacular the way it was done. Excellent.”
With his background in movies and television, Gamiello said, “I used to do props, set dressing, special effects, set decorating, things like that, so I can appreciate all the costuming and everything that went into it. All the work, all the props: everything is very detailed.”
Gamiello was involved in the filming of “The Irishman” and “Goodfellas.”
“I had to make sure the sets were ready to shoot,” he said.  We worked directly with the designer and the art directors and the decorators. And like I say, that was when we set up. When we were actually with the film crew, we got to change things according to where the camera was, where the actors were, where the lighting was.”
He thought that Shen Yun’s production was “tremendous ... the way it was presented and the way it went to different eras in history and all. Very well done.”
Many stories from China’s colorful history as well as the present were dramatized. Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture by presenting “China before communism.”
“The stories were great and they brought out a lot of things that are missing from society today. And I’m also glad that they accentuated the repression that goes on today and has gone on for more than 50, 60 years, 70 years. And maybe someday, it'll change,” Gamiello said.
“But right now it seems to be getting worse around the world, including [in] this country. So hopefully, maybe with productions like this, it will open people’s eyes and maybe wake people up—to trying to push for more liberty and freedom against these megalomaniac leaders that we have in the country and all over the world, and these cartels that are repressing people and enslaving people.”
Reporting by Weiyong Zhu.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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