Former Hong Kong District Council Member Enjoys Shen Yun

Former Hong Kong District Council Member Enjoys Shen Yun
Former Hong Kong District Council Member Edward Leung Wai-kuen enjoyed the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Taoyuan Art Center, Taiwan, on March 11, 2018. (Liang Su-jing/The Epoch Times)

“This is my first time seeing Shen Yun, and I feel it fantastic. It truly displays our 5,000 years of exquisite Chinese culture.”

“Regardless of whether it is the dance, or the demonstration of bearing and form, all of them are truly magnificent. I have a special feeling about it (Shen Yun), and I am so happy to have this opportunity to see this program.”

“It’s really wonderful! [Everyone] should go see the show.”

“I think Hong Kong’s younger generations have been attached too much importance to materialism and individualism and other modern culture. ... Therefore, if possible, we should let China’s younger generations to see it [Shen Yun].”

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