Former Ballet Dancer Lauds Shen Yun Dancers: ‘True ensemble work’

Former Ballet Dancer Lauds Shen Yun Dancers: ‘True ensemble work’
Bob Karpman and Jari Poulin at the Shen Yun Performing Arts at Lincoln Center on April 27, 2013 in New York City. (NTD Television)

NEW YORK—Jari Poulin, a former ballet dancer and choreographer, was in high praise about Shen Yun dancers’ skill.

“This was just an amazing performance tonight, to see so many young people with so much talent!” Ms. Poulin said.

Ms. Poulin, now a photographer, experienced Shen Yun Performing Arts at Lincoln Center’s David H. Koch Theater on Saturday evening. 

Many of the Shen Yun dancers have won awards in international dance competitions, and Shen Yun presents one of the oldest and most expressive dance forms in existence, classical Chinese dance.

“Classical Chinese dance is grounded in 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture, and is a dance art form built upon a deep foundation of traditional aesthetics,” states the Shen Yun website.

Ms. Poulin paid close attention to the dance techniques and formations.

“I thought they were very precise with their movements, and very energetic,” she said.

Ms. Poulin, who retired about 15 years ago as a ballet dancer, especially appreciated how the dancers worked so well together.

“There was never a person who stood out,” she said. “It was true ensemble work.”

The dancers are adorned with handmade costumes and accompanied by digital backdrops and an orchestra that deftly melds classical Western instruments and traditional Chinese instruments.

Also, Ms. Poulin appreciated the diverse range of the dance pieces, and expressed concern that the cultural revival can’t be shown in China. The ruling communist regime nearly decimated the very culture Shen Yun is reviving.

“I think the inspiration from the show is for me the story that there is a repression going on in the society, about the culture and the history that is so beautiful and so valuable,” she said. “Nothing should be hidden in life, because we learn from every age and we should celebrate that.”

Bob Karpman, an orthopedic surgeon who accompanied Ms. Poulin to the performance, also enjoyed the show. 

“It’s phenomenal,” he said.

Reporting by NTD Television and Christian Watjen

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

Shen Yun’s New York Company will be performing at Lincoln Center through April 28.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.