ST. LOUIS, Mo.—Brad Lewis saw an uplifting message of love and humanity in Shen Yun Performing Arts.
“Oh, I loved it. It was so enjoyable and inspiring. It was a spiritual experience even. And I love the colors and the artistry and great talent. Great talent at the show today,” said Mr. Lewis, an IT director, after seeing Shen Yun at the Stifel Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri, on March 15.
“It’s different than anything I’ve seen before,” Mr. Lewis said. “It makes you enjoy the talent and the artistry that was displayed. It’s beautiful.”
“It was top-notch. Exceptional quality. The artistry was fabulous,” Mr. Lewis said.
“They were giving everything they had for the audience. You could tell. You can tell. They tried to give their best. Everything they had. And it was perfection,” he said.
Mr. Lewis found similarities between the beliefs in traditional Chinese culture and his own Christian faith.
“The message of God, the divine creator, and the chance we have to return to be with him again someday. I love that,” Mr. Lewis said. “It talks a lot about that, about loving one another and taking care of those around us. Yes, I love that message.”
He added that the Creator played a significant role in a special moment for him during the program, which he found moving.
“That moment for me reminds me of my beliefs,” he said.
“It definitely speaks to you,” he added. “It was inspiring, and I'll tell others about it too.”