‘Entertaining, Exciting, Beautiful’: Shen Yun Dazzles Florence Audience Members


FLORENCE, Italy—Shen Yun Performing Arts finished its last performance in Florence, Italy, on Dec. 30, when audience members received a glimpse into “China before communism.”

“Entertaining, exciting, beautiful, something really special,” said university professor Francesco Lavacca. “It’s the first time I’ve seen Chinese dance, and it’s truly an immersion in the culture, as well as a glimpse into its magic.”

Paolo Bambagioni, a city councilor who was also in the audience, said he found that Shen Yun “expresses a form of thought and art that dates back to ancient Chinese civilization and has been passed down through the generations.”

“Today, it is being revived with exceptional technique, beautiful colors, and beautiful settings in many parts of the world,” he said.

Luca Lucenti, a lawyer, said that Shen Yun “is very good and interesting because it combines the past, the future, and a focus on the soul.”

Shen Yun says it draws inspiration from China’s 5,000 years of divinely-inspired culture. Theatergoers took note of its deeper message.

“A universal message. Some of the acts we saw spoke of hope; it was very nice,” said Assoc. Prof. Lavacca. “A message of peace, hope, and confidence in the future.”

Mr. Bambagioni added, “These are undoubtedly not negative messages, but rather ones of positivity and inner strength. I think this is a message that needs to be supported because it is good to be able to express oneself.”

Shen Yun will be performing in Cagliari, Italy, on Jan. 3 and 4.

NTD News, Florence, Italy
NTD News is a proud media sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts.

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