Doctor Drives 4 Hours to See Shen Yun for Second Time

Doctor Drives 4 Hours to See Shen Yun for Second Time

“It is wonderful, matter of fact, I loved it so much, we saw it in New Orleans, and I drove up to see the second time here in Birmingham, it’s such a wonderful show, and it’s just true arts, and such wonderful artists, they take us to places, they take us away from our day to day grind and do what they’re supposed to do, and it’s just beautiful. This is a wonderful production.”


“I drove here just for this show. Yes, 4 hours, that’s not far. Just saw it in January.”

“I think it helps me appreciate even more some of the history and other arts of the dancing and the history of Chinese nation, which is all, it goes back for all of our history, regardless of nationality, and it’s just a wonderful experience, and it helps me understand even more ... about where we came from and what we should be doing in our lives.”


“First time I’ve ever heard a Chinese tenor, and I love tenors, and he was awesome and [I] just again realized that so many things are universal, it has nothing to do with the language or the culture ..., some things are universal, such as a wonderful talent, like that tenor was—that’s universal.”


“It’s a service, personally what I do is service to others and the joy we get from that and helping others and how we help our fellow men, and I see that history goes back long before, long before even this country was here and we see the tyranny too and we see the things we have to fight against to help to service for our fellow men, so it’s a wonderful experience—it’s just a wonderful show.”


“I think it helped me expand the fact that we’re, this world is bigger than just the individual, and it’s bigger than even just a group of individuals, and yes, it helped expand my faith in man and what I want to do and how we should be treating our fellow men.”

“I told all my friends, if you have a chance to see it, go see it. The meaningful experience will make the difference too and how you see things, so it’s good.”


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