Doctor Appreciates the History Portrayed in Shen Yun

Doctor Fraser Peck and Katie Misselbrook, an anaesthetist, enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on May 21, 2018. Xiaomin Pang/The Epoch Times

“It’s been brilliant.”

“A lot of this social history does get lost ... most people would just forget it, and as soon as the story is gone it’s never remembered—it just disappears into nothingness. So it’s nice when you get something like this which brings [history] to the forefront and you actually get to see more of the stories, more of the history, that most people don’t necessarily know.”

“It’s been really interesting to see.”

“I think a lot of the spiritual aspects of it is very useful to be able to ground yourself and to be able to think about what’s going on. Maybe if you’re having a difficult time, there’s more to life than just reading a book, or doing something else—and that actually you can spend time to really live in the moment, think about what’s happening and be connected to your own environment.”


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