Denver Audience Besotted With Shen Yun

Denver Audience Besotted With Shen Yun
Jana Venus loved the show as much the second time as she did the first time this past Feb. 19 at the Buell Theatre in Denver. (NTD Television)

DENVER—Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, entertained an appreciative audience at the The Buell Theatre on Feb. 19.

“This is the second time we’ve seen it, and it’s just as amazing the second time as it was the first time. I think that the artistry and the creativity of it is absolutely stunning,” Ms. Venus said.

“Every year, the New York-based Shen Yun, travels the globe presenting classical Chinese dance and music, and takes audiences on a journey through China’s millennia old history and culture.

“Sophisticated dance techniques, an orchestra joining instruments from both the East and West, beautiful costumes, and a stunning back drop—this is Shen Yun at first glance,” explains the Shen Yun website.

“I love it, I think it’s so wonderful for us to be able to see and learn about the Chinese culture and I’ve never seen anything that’s so colorful and creative; it’s really fascinating,” Ms. Venus said.

She would tell her friends that the Shen Yun production is very entertaining, creative, and beautifully done. 

“All of the different dances and costumes; it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I was just absolutely blown away and pleasantly surprised.”

‘I just can’t wait to come back next year’

Also admid the audience was Kara Behnke, Ph.D. student of computer science at the University of Boulder.

“The show is amazing tonight, I love the use of interactive media and mixing Chinese dance and culture with modernity is such an amazing experience, nothing that I ever experienced before. It’s so unique; it’s been so much fun.”

“In addition to daring to bring spirituality front and center, the main risk that Shen Yun takes is in its depicting the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime,” the website explains. Falun Gong, a practice of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, has been brutally repressed since 1999.

“In fact, Shen Yun cannot perform in China, yet travels the globe with four companies that tour simultaneously. China’s rich civilization was nearly lost after 60 years of deliberate dismantling by the Communist regime.”

Ms. Behnke was “inspired and impressed” because she had already known of the plight of Falun Gong, before coming to the show.

“It was such an emotionally powerful experience, just seeing these people, their bodies being broken, but their spirit so strong and lasting throughout time and all eternity, it’s just so powerful, so powerful." 

“It’s something I’ve been aware of and really passionate about. It’s good to see that it’s coming to public awareness in a positive light, and that it’s expressive and so spiritually grounded—so amazing.”

In summing up, Ms. Benhke describes Shen Yun “as a journey through Chinese history for the past 5,000 years” of culture, dance, and song. 

“It’s just been so great, so amazing, so much talent on stage. I just can’t wait to come back next year.”

’Thank you so much for coming to Denver’

Clothing designer, Sandy Sherman, was also in the audience. 

“They are fantastic, I’m really inspired by the colors and the flowingness, it is gorgeous,” she said. 

“Classical Chinese dance is richly expressive. Hundreds of specific postures, expressions, and techniques combined with China’s deep cultural traditions make it a vast and independent system of dance,” according to Shen Yun’s website. “Shen Yun’s dancers are therefore able to depict scenes from any time period and setting.”

Ms. Sherman, a dancer herself, was able to appreciate the choreography and perfectly synchronized dance patterns even more so.

“It’s amazing. So much for them to remember and they are all perfectly in time. They are beautiful, very beautiful. I mean the leaps are just incredible; everything is beautiful.”

What was even more impressive was the interaction between the stage, the animated projector screen, and the orchestral music, Ms. Sherman said.

“What’s most amazing is how you integrate the film and the dancers. You know how they jump into the film and on to the stage, it’s quite amazing,” she said. “Just incredible, I mean I wished they were all here. Thanks [to Shen Yun] so much for coming to Denver.”

Reporting by NTD Television and Raiatea Tahana-Reese

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts 

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.