Dance Teacher: Shen Yun, ‘This Is Like Heaven, Absolutely Beautiful’

Dance Teacher: Shen Yun, ‘This Is Like Heaven, Absolutely Beautiful’
Tracy Kiumarsi enjoyed watching Shen Yun at the Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville on Jan. 31, 2018. NTD Television

“It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Spiritually so moving. And educationally so informative ... I have never seen any technique like this before.”

“Once the opera singers came out, I was just tears rolling down my face because I was feeling everything that they are dancing about now ... Just the words of the songs, and understanding what they are not allowed to practice in China.”

“They are most professional I have ever seen. I have seen dozens of Broadway shows and this is like heaven, absolutely beautiful.”

“Everything about their form, and the technical abilities with the turns and the leaps and, what we see is acrobatics, but they were explaining how it goes back many thousands of years, and the Chinese did it first—also just seeing their dedication, and their love of doing what they are doing.”


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