Dance Teacher Enjoys The Cultural Aspect of Shen Yun

Dance Teacher Enjoys The Cultural Aspect of Shen Yun

“I thoroughly enjoyed [the classical Chinese dance]. I enjoyed their dancing in unison, how they were very professional, how the music hit the beat. It was really wonderful.”

“What I really enjoyed was how the 3-D screen turned into life. I thought that was really interesting to bring that into the dance.” 

“I enjoyed the cultural aspect of the dance. Being a dancer and a dance teacher, I appreciated the blending of dance and historical telling of events that happened and are currently happening in China. I think that is a very powerful medium to express what is happening in a culture.”

“The storytelling was very interesting. I thought that was a good way, especially as a teaching tool, for people to understand that there are difficulties in China with the whole [regime] not allowing people to really express their personal views. Seeing that in dance form, I think that is a way people can relate to it more than just reading it in a newspaper. The message was clear, so I was able to show my children that was what was happening, and they could understand it through the dance.”

“I enjoyed bringing my children to it, and introducing them to a new culture … They haven’t seen Chinese dance before, so that was wonderful. It’s very educational.”

“I liked the singers … I liked [the music] a lot. I thoroughly enjoyed the instrument (erhu).” 

“It was a beautiful show.” 


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