LAKELAND, Fla.—Randall Eplin and his wife Lori lived in China for nearly a decade, and this Christmas, they were gifted tickets to see Shen Yun Performing Arts.
“I love it. We lived in China for nine and a half years, and so I went to performances in China, and we really missed it, and this was a gift to us for Christmas,” said Mrs. Eplin, an artist.
The couple shared they felt some things couldn’t be said. But Mrs. Eplin shared her love for Shen Yun’s dancing.
“I really like the scene about the boy that was persecuted for his faith. That’s incredible because it’s actually truly happening in China right now,” said Mr. Eplin.
“We’ve seen people that have been detained, that have been questioned, that have been arrested, that have been removed from China for doing things that I think are good for the Chinese people. And that saddens our hearts,” said Mr. Eplin.
During their time in China, they knew people who felt oppressed by the communist party.
“ [We] met a lot of Christians there as well, Chinese, and their struggle to believe and live their faith there in China is very difficult,” shared Mrs. Eplin.
“I noticed in the program that [Shen Yun is] a 501C3 organization, and people can give. I think we’re going to give to this,” he said.
Mr. Eplin shared his support for Shen Yun’s vision and his hope that more people come and see Shen Yun and show support for the vision.
“I would really encourage other people to take a look at this and see the vision behind it and get behind it. And even if they give a little, if everybody gives a little, then there'll be enough,” he said.