Couple Finds a Long-Forgotten Spirituality in Shen Yun

Couple Finds a Long-Forgotten Spirituality in Shen Yun
Andre and Alyson Dean attended the evening performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the New Theatre in Oxford, U.K. on Jan. 6, 2024. (Chloe Hsiao /The Epoch Times)

OXFORD, United Kingdom—Alyson and Andre Dean enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the New Theatre in Oxford on Jan. 6.

Mrs. Dean, a retired reflexologist, said the show was “amazing.”

“It’s been absolutely brilliant: the colors, the dancing. The dancing is just incredible and very uplifting as well. It’s really interesting to hear the background story of the production. I didn’t know that when I came here tonight, so I’m learning something new, which is great.”

She took delight in watching the interplay between the graphics on the back screen and the dancers. “Very clever,” she said.

Her husband agreed. Coming to New York-based Shen Yun was a birthday present for his wife. “So it’s a big surprise,” he said.

Mr. Dean, who retired as global head of trading technology in a large bank, said the performance was “mind-blowing. The way everything’s so integrated and coordinated—phenomenal.”

The spiritual link to the Divine especially touched them both. “I think the link to the Divine has probably been eroded through how we are in the modern day. I think this helps to remind us, you know, to connect back to simpler things and actually think hard about those sorts of questions,” Mrs. Dean said.

“There’s a spiritual vacuum in the world today,” Mr. Dean concurred. “And this brings it back to you that inside all of us is a spiritualness that some of us have forgotten. This brings it out again.

“Look at this, watch this. You'll think, ‘Wow. I have found that again,’” he said.

They had somber words for the allusion to communism in the stories told in dance. “This darkness of the communists, the way they’re treating the people who are trying to look to the divine.” He said it was horrifying to hear of crimes of organ harvesting that happen in China today. “In today’s world, the modern world, we don’t expect that. That’s sad but [the performers] told the story very well,” he said.

Mrs. Dean also said she did not realize what is happening in China today and recommended Shen Yun to everyone. “And for the younger audience: awesome,” she added.

‘Interactive Screen is Amazing’

(L–R): Irina and Alexey Kislitsyn and their friend Elena attended Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the New Theatre in Oxford, U.K., on Jan. 6, 2024. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)
(L–R): Irina and Alexey Kislitsyn and their friend Elena attended Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the New Theatre in Oxford, U.K., on Jan. 6, 2024. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)
Alexey and Irina Kislitsyn and their friend Elena attended a presentation of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the New Theatre in Oxford on Jan. 6.

Mr. Kislitsyn praised Shen Yun’s classical Chinese dance and ethnic dance. “I think everything is almost to perfection—in relation to how people move—really synchronized. I think it’s really impressive and an unusual combination of dance,” she said.

Mr. Kislitsyn, an attorney for a pharmaceutical company, said he is Russian and that he and his family have lived in the United Kingdom for the last 17 years. He likes to attend different performances and thought Shen Yun was special. “I think we’re definitely lucky that we didn’t miss this one as we bought tickets at the last minute.”

The interactive screen really impressed him. “This interactive screen—I think it’s really cool,” he said.

Elena, a project manager, also liked how the interactive screen worked. “The interactive screen is amazing. Everything blends in together.”

She also said the performance was very beautiful. “Everyone is a phenomenal performer. All the ladies and all the men are very beautiful.”
With shows scheduled in over 200 cities and across five continents, the 2024 touring season is shaping up to be the artists’ busiest yet.

Mr. Kislitsyn appreciated that Shen Yun promoted traditional Chinese culture before communism. He lived in the United States for two years and said there was a strong Chinese community there. He said Shen Yun’s presentation was different from what can be seen in China.

“There is really a dedicated group of people who actually made this possible and who finance and organize [Shen Yun] because it’s really a big deal to keep the Chinese culture separate from [communism].”

With its deep, traditional culture, Mr. Kislitsyn said that communism in China is transitory. And with Shen Yun’s school of dance, communist schools will not be supported. “[Shen Yun] is great, and I’m sure one day, they will unite with the people of China. I think this is a great example for other nations.”

Mr. Kislitsyn said he resonated with the spiritual message of the Divine and Creator conveyed by Shen Yun. “I really like the whole concept.”

He said every nation has a similar understanding, “but it’s experienced slightly differently because of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. ...  It was actually introduced really naturally. I really like that.”

Reporting by Mary Mann, Chloe Hsiao, and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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