Concertgoer Loves the Delicate Asian Sounds of Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

Oct 23, 2017
Concertgoer Loves the Delicate Asian Sounds of Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

“It’s something I was looking forward to for many months. ... Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it when it was at the Kennedy Center. It was unfortunate I didn’t get to see that. When I saw that the orchestral performance was available, I thought, ‘Well, this is my chance.’”

“I’m a musician myself, and the Western and Asian fusion there—I love it—I absolutely love it. The orchestral arrangement was amazing. I love the gong at the very beginning. It sets the tone for everything. I thought they were fabulous; I really enjoyed it.”

“I play the French horn and trumpet, more brass oriented, so the softer, more delicate Asian influence, I love it. I just absolutely love it. It was chance to see them in person. It was a chance to see [erhu performers] out in front of the orchestra.”

“If you like music a lot, even if you don’t, this’ll bring you in, especially with the Asian influence. We don’t usually get this experience in the United States, so it’s the best of both worlds.”

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