Composer, Violinist, and Pianist: ‘I experienced something magnificent tonight’

Composer, Violinist, and Pianist: ‘I experienced something magnificent tonight’
Mr. Lukas Medlam, a composer, violinist, and pianist, felt it was an enchanting evening. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

VIENNA, Austria—“The first words that came to mind were that the entire performance is fascinating. I was aware and have heard much about the performance, orchestra, artists and musicians over the past four years. Unfortunately I was out of town during the performances. Finally, I can see this show,” said Mr. Lukas Medlam.

Mr. Medlam, born of a British father and an Austrian mother, is a composer, violinist, and pianist. He began his music career at the age of 5. He first played the piano and one year later he took violin lessons. He studied under many of Europe’s well-known music masters, including Paul Barritt, a concert master at the Halle Youth Orchestra. In 2010, he and Leon de Castillo founded the Valsassina Ensemble, located in Vienna. He gives weekly performances in Vienna when he is not on worldwide tour.

The Wiener Stadthalle, or Viennese City Hall, is the largest venue in Austria, and has  more than 16,000-seat capacity. It has been the venue for Shen Yun performances for many years, including this year.

Composition Speaks to the Heart

Mr. Medlam was excited when he was told that the Shen Yun music was composed in-house.

“What a marvel. There is no one in Vienna who could write this type of composition. Musicians in this city are more inclined to write contemporary music. That’s why it is so refreshing to hear Shen Yun’s music. It is based on old traditional musical forms and brings harmony to its audience,” he said.

This type of music is unusual, he says, and no one other than the Shen Yun musicians can compose and present this type of music.

Although the music is new to him, it does not seem to be alien. “I’m not sure if I’m alone in my thoughts about this type of music,” he said. That is probably because he is familiar with the pipa and other Chinese instruments.

“But, overall, the music is delightful and stimulating. As a musician, I greatly value how a musical composition affects the audience, and what emotions it arouses.”

“Clearly, I was captivated and had many amazing moments. Additionally, the connection between what is shown on stage and the music is fantastic. The synchronization between the dancers and the orchestra is unusual. I was touched throughout the show and can only say that I experienced something magnificent tonight.”

Dr. Thomas Danemark, secretary general of the Friends of the Vienna State Opera. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
Dr. Thomas Danemark, secretary general of the Friends of the Vienna State Opera. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

Delighted That Shen Yun Introduced Chinese Tradition

“Vienna is overjoyed that Shen Yun brought Chinese traditions here. This is of great value to us,” said Dr. Thomas Danemark, the secretary general for the Friends of the Wiener Staatsoper.

Dr. Danemark saw Shen Yun three and four years ago and said that “Vienna is honored to experience other traditions inside its walls.”

He was glad that the Shen Yun performers bring out the persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice whose adherents follow the principles truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

“The message by Shen Yun is very courageous, and it is very important,” Dr. Danemark said. “Suppression must be eradicated everywhere. And when it is done through music, dance, and acrobatic, it hurts the soul. Yet, I’m encouraged and glad that it is shown and that it indicates that suppression is something that does not belong to a culture.”

Reporting by NTD and Heide B. Malhotra

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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