Chris Rangel, president of an industrial supply house, was especially impressed by the story dances. Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Based in New York, the company’s mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture. Through classical Chinese dance pieces, Shen Yun tells stories from ancient China to today’s China while presenting to the world the beauty and goodness of China before communism.
Mrs. Rangel, a court reporter, added, “Yes, the whole story, it showed a lot of oppression, but how they rose up from that oppression.”
Shen Yun also features the world’s first orchestra that combines classical Chinese and classical Western instruments, resulting in music that is, according to Mr. Rangel, “phenomenal.” Mrs. Rangel said she also thought “the music was amazing, and the lyrics were very good.”
The 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture emphasized moral development rooted in the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Sadly, such values have been destroyed by the Chinese communist regime during the last century. The couple appreciated Shen Yun’s efforts to revive the culture and share it with the world. Mr. Rangel said, “I think they’re on the right path. The spiritual part of the show was a good addition and was great to see.”
“It’s a must-see, definitely a must-see.” Mrs. Rangel added.