Company President: Shen Yun Shows People the Connection Between Positive Energy and Meditation

Company President: Shen Yun Shows People the Connection Between Positive Energy and Meditation
Atilla Gok (R) and his wife enjoyed watching Shen Yun at American Bank Center Selena Auditorium in Corpus Christi, Texas on Jan. 3, 2018. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)

“I mean ... how can I describe it? It’s undescribable, it’s beautiful! Really beautiful.”

“I think the most important thing that I can actually feel here is the energy and the meditation. I’m interested in meditation, and it’s actually true, and I can feel the energy here ... [the energy] is very, very positive, and also uplifting.”

“I think the world is in the stage that they’re waking up, and this is a tool [the performance] to show the people that maybe they don’t have the idea about the energy and meditation and connection with divine energy.”

“Everything is I mean ... I can’t find words to say it. Amazing, amazing, beautiful, true Chinese culture.”

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