Company Director: Shen Yun ‘Has Opened My Mind

Company Director: Shen Yun ‘Has Opened My Mind
Construction company director Larry Doyle (L) and his colleague Fergal Duffy found Shen Yun an extraordinary and enlightening introduction to China's 5,000-year history. "It has opened my mind," said Mr. Doyle. "I will come again!" (Wen Hua/Epoch Times)

DUBLIN, Ireland—Larry Doyle is the director of a construction company, and on April 19th, he caught the first of Shen Yun’s two performances at The Convention Centre Dublin as part of Shen Yun Performing Arts’ European tour. Mr. Doyle was accompanied by his colleague, Fergal Duffy.

Mr. Doyle said, “We don’t know too much about Chinese culture so this is my first exposure to it, but from what I have seen I have enjoyed it, and it has opened my mind.”

Shen Yun aspires to revitalise the divinely-inspired traditions and customs of China’s cultural heritage through the performing arts. With Chinese classical dance at the heart of its programme, it combines this with a live orchestra and beautiful artistry, delivering a performance unmatched in its calibre on the world’s stage.

Mr. Duffy said he was impressed by Shen Yun’s choreography: “I thought the whole choreography was very good; a lot of hard work went into it. Every scene told a story.”

Mr. Duffy also said that Shen Yun had broadened his horizons culturally: “It was very mind-opening—from Chinese culture, I would have known nothing about it. It was all very enlightening.”

Mr. Doyle said the experience was something completely new for him, but he looks forward to coming again. He said: “For Irish people, this is totally new so it will take us some time to take it in, but it’s good to see it. I will come again!”

Reporting by Wen Hua and Gerald O'Connor

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.