Client Relations Manager Says Shen Yun Is ‘Beautiful and Inspirational’

Client Relations Manager Says Shen Yun Is ‘Beautiful and Inspirational’
Steff Saavedra (C) attended the Shen Yun show at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido, Calif., on March 15, 2024. Linda Jiang/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

ESCONDIDO, Calif.—Steff Saavedra, a client relations manager at a tribal energy developer, thought this year’s performance of Shen Yun at the California Center for the Arts was both educational and beautiful.

“It’s just absolutely, just beautiful. I don’t know what other words to use that are more beautiful and inspirational,” Ms. Saavedra said after watching the performance Saturday afternoon. She was especially impressed by Shen Yun’s patented digital backdrop.

“The movements, the choreography, the perfect timing, and you know, them jumping up off the screen, I mean, that was just, that was wonderful, absolutely wonderful.”

Shen Yun’s digital backdrops are the first of its kind. Audience members often say the designs complement and synchronize all aspects of the performance: the characters, color of the costumes, specific dance movements, props, lighting, the story being told, particular notes played by the orchestra, and more.

It reaffirmed her belief that all people should be able to have the freedom to express and teach others about their history.

“The reason being, I believe, is that once we learn from our past, we are able to heal and evolve in a positive direction and also support others,” she said. “And I believe that is the only way that we can actually preserve the Earth and humanity, is by learning from the past and moving forward from those lessons.”

A Shen Yun performance generally includes over a dozen vignettes, with classical Chinese dance as the primary medium to tell stories spanning 5,000 years.

Ms. Saavedra enjoyed the humorous aspects of the performance, as well as the classical Chinese dance incorporated throughout.

The New York-based company’s mission is to revive ancient Chinese culture, which was almost lost after communism seized power in China.

Shen Yun’s dances take stories from these five millennia and bring them to life.

“It’s just absolutely beautiful,” she said. “To be able to see that and knowing that the dance is, it’s an ancient form and I think so many others around the world have tried to mimic such dances, and that it touches your soul because it’s that inspirational.”

Shen Yun dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

“And this artistic expression helps us come back full circle to the human part of our ancient history,” she said.

Reporting by Linda Jiang and Kimberly Hayek.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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