Chief Commercial Officer: Shen Yun Shows ‘A Different Side of China’

Chief Commercial Officer: Shen Yun Shows ‘A Different Side of China’
Troy Chapman at Shen Yun Performing Arts on New Year’s Day at Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts, 2023. (Sherry Dong/ The Epoch Times)
HOUSTON—Troy Chapman, the global chief commercial officer of Honeywell, was wowed by the difference between Shen Yun Performing Arts’ portrayal of China and the country he knew.

“It’s been very interesting to see a different side of China. The bright and vibrant blue skies, and the happiness,” he added, “There is a lot more spiritualism, a lot more religion, and a lot more faith than what we had experienced.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun’s mission is to revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely-inspired culture. Prior to the communist party’s spread of atheism throughout the country, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism formed the basis of Chinese life. The company’s artists are now dedicated to sharing this beauty with the world.
Mr. Chapman and his family had lived in China for two years. The family came to Shen Yun’s evening performance at the Jones Hall for the Performing Arts on New Year’s Day hoping to see things that would remind them of their time in China.
While the performance offered some elements of Chinese culture that the Chapmans are familiar with, it also presented a lot of the history that they hadn’t known.

“I think the stories that the artists are telling, it’s more than just history,” Mr. Chapman said, “[They speak of] culture and of important things that they connect with on a different level. It’s very exciting to see that.”

“I think what [Shen Yun is] doing is very important to us,” he added, “It’s art and expression, but even beyond that, [Shen Yun] is bringing to us a new understanding and a new level of connection [to China] than most people in the West would ever have.”

Also in the audience at Shen Yun’s evening performance was Andy Cuthbert, the global engineering manager of Boots& Coots, and his wife Adda.

“I thought [the show] was just stunning. The choreography was absolutely spot-on. The timing was brilliant. The individual performances were just superb. It’s just so impressive,” Mr. Cuthbert expressed.

He added that Shen Yun instilled a sense of peace and calm in its audience. “[The show] was really uplifting, it was very enlightening,” he said, “There is a spiritual element to the entire performance. It’s a divine feeling.”

Reporting by Sherry Dong and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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