Charlotte Couple Captivated by How Shen Yun Dance Can Tell Stories

Charlotte Couple Captivated by How Shen Yun Dance Can Tell Stories
Ben and Doreen Turner enjoyed the beauty of Shen Yun when they attended the performance at the Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, in Charlotte, on Jan. 28. (Epoch Times)

CHAROLOTTE, N.C.—Ben and Doreen Turner were both immediately captivated by the colors and beauty of Shen Yun when they attended the performance at Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, on Jan. 28.

Mr. Turner, an information technologist at Wells Fargo Bank thoroughly enjoyed the show.

“Each performance was so unique and dramatic and colorful. It was very captivating,” he said.

Mrs. Turner, vice-president and operations manager at Wells Fargo Bank, said, “The colors were so vibrant, it just caught you right off from the beginning.”

Mrs. Turner was also captivated by how classical Chinese dance can tell stories through the dance movements.

“The story, it was like you were listening to a story as you were just watching them dance. You could understand from their facial expressions and everything what they were trying to portray,” she said.

Indeed, the art form of classical Chinese dance can portray anything through its rich expressive qualities and diversity of techniques. It is the main vehicle that Shen Yun uses to bring to life 5,000 years of Chinese culture on stage.

Mr. Turner was impressed with the physical talents of the dancers.

“It’s remarkable. The athleticism and the grace that they maintain. It’s really a beautiful performance,” he said.

Mrs. Turner was touched by a particular piece in which a mother, who practices Falun Dafa, was violently taken away from her daughter. In China currently, millions who follow the peaceful spiritual practice of Falun Dafa are persecuted for their beliefs.

Mr. Tuner added, “As far as the lessons and the issues that they’re facing, the lack of religious freedom and the current political situation they’re dealing with in China, it’s pretty surprising for us, but it’s very interesting and educational.”

Both husband and wife said they enjoyed the show tremendously. Their only regret was that they were not able to bring their son: “He loves looking at different Asian cultures. He’s trying to learn Chinese, so I wish we would have brought him,” Mrs. Turner said.

With reporting by Thai Ton

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.