Charity Director Thanks Shen Yun for ‘Lighting up Our Days’

Charity Director Thanks Shen Yun for ‘Lighting up Our Days’
Simon Hudson enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Regent Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, on Jan. 29, 2025. NTD

STOKE-ON-TRENT, UK—Simon Hudson had missed out on getting tickets to see Shen Yun Performing Arts last year, so he said he made sure to get them for the next year as soon as he could and had been anticipating the upcoming performance for almost a year.

“Wow, just been absolutely amazing,” said Mr. Hudson, director of a Christian charity, at the Regent Theatre during intermission of the performance on Jan. 29. “It’s meant a great deal to me.”

“It’s just amazing. It’s fulfilled everything I was looking forward to,” he said. “It is everything I was hoping it was going to be and more.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company and now has eight equal-sized groups that tour the world simultaneously each season to fulfill its mission of sharing with audiences “China before communism.”

That 5,000-year civilization was a divinely inspired one, with themes and morals from Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism woven throughout the stories and history of what was once known as the Celestial Empire.

Mr. Hudson said he appreciated the stories Shen Yun told through dance and found them meaningful.

“They’re so applicable to now, aren’t they, and we can all relate, I think, to what’s happened,” he said. “They’re really true, and I think that’s what’s meaning so much to me, and as a Christian, of course,  the story, and for anybody with faith, isn’t it? It’s lovely that they can express themselves as they are doing.”

“This is a story which I think goes to our hearts, doesn’t it, and it really has something so important for us to take away,” he said.

Although Shen Yun aims to revive traditional Chinese culture and share it with the world, it cannot perform in China.

“I think culture across the world for everybody is really important, and I think the way they’re doing it, and in such a dramatic, such a colorful, exciting way. Its just lovely, lovely to see,” Mr. Hudson added.

Mr. Hudson expressed appreciation for the positivity that permeated the production.

“Everything is uplifting,” he said. “We should go to shows like this, shouldn’t we? We should go and expect to feel really excited at the end of it, and that’s what it’s doing.”

“It’s just so uplifting, and what they’re doing and the joy they’re bringing to us, even in just the first hour, has just been incredible,” he said. “I think I would really just want to thank them so much for being so energetic and lively and just lighting up our days. It’s quite beautiful.”

Reporting by NTD and Catherine Yang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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