Catholic Priest Appreciates Spiritual Aspect of Shen Yun

Catholic Priest Appreciates Spiritual Aspect of Shen Yun
Rev. John Kinney, priest for the past 30 years, attends Shen Yun at the Reynolds in Las Vegas on the opening night. Jana Li/Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

LAS VEGAS—“I’m very interested in seeing it. We were talking about it for two months,” said Rev. John Kinney, a Roman Catholic Priest of 37 years and Chief of Chaplain Recruiting for the U.S. Air Force in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Kinney attended the opening night’s performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company at the Smith Center on Feb. 21 with two friends.

New York-based Shen Yun was established in 2006 by artists from around the world with the mission of reviving China’s divinely inspired traditional Chinese culture, which had nearly been completely destroyed by the current regime in China over the last several decades.

Mr. Kinney noted what stood out to him about the performance.

“The spirituality of good and evil playing against each other. And the commonness of humanity with the same themes, for instance, with the girl with the flag talking about truth and compassion … and tolerance,” Mr. Kinney said. “I thought that was very good.”

The piece Mr. Kenny was referring to involved a story taking place in modern China, concerning the persecution of Falun Dafa, a spiritual practice rooted in the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

For eight years, Shen Yun has been touring globally, bringing 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and culture to life through music and dance. “Millions have seen Shen Yun. Standing ovations at the world’s top venues, royalty attending in Europe, sold-out shows throughout North America, and packed houses across Asia have made Shen Yun an international phenomenon,” states the Shen Yun website.

“I’m very impressed with the beauty and the coordination of the whole dance affair. The colors and everything are so majestic. It’s beautiful!” Mr. Kinney said he would definitely recommend Shen Yun to his friends.

Reporting by Jana Li and Thanh Le

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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