Business Owner Finds Shen Yun Music Fascinating

Business Owner Finds Shen Yun Music Fascinating
Chris Caschette and his daughter enjoyed Shen Yun's performance at the Shea's Performing Arts Center in Buffalo, N.Y., on May 10, 2018. (Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times)

“We find the show musically fascinating. ... It’s just absolutely wonderful and it’s fantastic.”

“They blend together a mixture of happy, a mixture of sad, a mixture of anger, a mixture of playfulness. And you can see all that within one particular set of dance. And it’s mixed in such a way that it’s almost surprising but it’s very entertaining. It’s very well done.”

“Entertainment, dance, and cultural enrichment—this is a perfect example of that.”

“The one thing I’ve never seen anybody do is end with a high note like that [of the soprano]—that was stunning and it was absolutely filling— it was kind of bigger than the whole place. It was very inspiring. It was perfect.”

“The lyrics are very applicable to the whole immersion of the soul and the positive, and the struggles that we face that are borne here on Earth but the powers that we’re given before we’re born, ... that’s very translatable to Western culture.”

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