Business Owner Finds Perfection in Shen Yun

Business Owner Finds Perfection in Shen Yun
Ryan Mendez and Corrine Hudson enjoy Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Winspear Opera House, on Jan 4. Lily Setoh/Epoch Times

DALLAS—Shen Yun entertains audiences around the globe with the world’s foremost in classically trained dance talent.

With a unique orchestra blending East and West and dazzling animated backdrops, Dallas audiences were left in amazement after four January Shen Yun performances at the Winspear Opera House.

“It was extremely beautiful,” said Ryan Mendez, who was in attendance on Jan. 4 with Corrine Hudson. “And it’s very nice and informative.”

Mr. Mendez is co-founder of Brand Legendary, a strategic branding organization for athletes.

After graduating from Stanford University—where he captained the men’s basketball team, won three consecutive Pac-10 basketball championships, and played in the NCAA Final Four—Mr. Mendez played basketball professionally in Australia and Spain.

Along the way, he sourced, advised, and closed eight transactions for Ecometry Corporation,, Lynx Medical Systems, Dark Blue Sea,, and, before eventually founding, the Internet’s leading basketball lifestyle destination.

Mr. Mendez has a great appreciation for dance, and he arrived at the performance with a critical eye.

“I was trying to find errors,” he said. “Basically, when everyone’s doing the same thing, sometimes people are off. But in this show, literally no one was off—everybody was in sync, on balance—and it was pretty amazing.”

“It’s entertaining, definitely,” added Ms. Hudson.

Shen Yun seeks to revive 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture, a culture nearly brought to extinction under the rule of the communist regime in China.

Mr. Mendez was happy to see how Shen Yun “allows the audience to understand what’s going on in China. That I thought was pretty cool. I wasn’t expecting that when I first came in.”

Through music and dance, Shen Yun presents the universal values existing within all cultures throughout mankind. Such a representation was not lost upon Mr. Mendez.

“A lot of it is really good values and beliefs, practicing tolerance,” he said, “and I think those values are what stays with you from a long time ago and then also moving forward.”

Mr. Mendez added that the performance is “really cool visually,” and he said that he walked away from the performance with a sense that it was much more that just mere entertainment.

“The dance has meaning behind it,” he said.

Reporting by Lily Setoh and Michael Fitzgerald.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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