Beauty Alone Cannot Complete the Essence of a Society

Beauty Alone Cannot Complete the Essence of a Society

“Shen Yun made a great impression on me and I’m thrilled to have seen it. It was very successful when viewed from the natural beauty point of view.”

“I was surprised. I did expect the beauty, the dances, the culture, but, then when the first dance pointed to the suppression of the cultivation practice, I immediately deduced that this show is banned in China.”

“It is important that one should not only show the goodness and beauty, but also that which brings harm and disturbance. Beauty alone can not complete the essence of a society.”

“I will remember the superb Chinese culture. The ancient traditions and the beautiful country. Additionally, I will remember the spirituality that has been suppressed.”

“All countries are connected by the principles compassion, altruism and philanthropy. This is independent of state, government and borders.”

“Shen Yun helped me gain an insight into China’s multi-sided culture and I inferred that there is still a spiritual connection to grandparents and one’s ancestors. When one is able to find a connection, because one does not exclude one from the other, there is a sign of hope.”

“I’m most delighted with the opportunity to learn about the Chinese culture.”

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