Baton Rouge Mayor: Shen Yun Is Absolutely Exhilarating

Baton Rouge Mayor: Shen Yun Is Absolutely Exhilarating
Sid Edwards(C) and two Shen Yun dancers at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Baton Rouge River Center Theatre on Jan. 12, 2025. NTD

BATON ROUGE, La.—The mayor of Baton Rouge came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts with his family and he was highly impressed with the experience.

“It was absolutely exhilarating. It was beautiful. Quite a performance. I just came away so impressed and so happy that my family and I got to experience this,” said Sid Edwards, mayor-president of Baton Rouge.

Shen Yun is based in New York and its dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

“Absolutely beautiful. Beautiful and gorgeous and pleasant to the eye for sure ... It was absolutely exhilarating. It was outstanding. Such talent,” said Mr. Edwards.

Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, China before communism.

“It was very educational. How culturally different each area is—that’s what struck me ... I think it’s tremendous. I think it needs to be seen. It needs to be learned. And what a great educational venue for that to happen,” said the mayor.

China was once known as the land of the divine. Many religions and schools of thought originated in China.

“I’m a very spiritual man, so therefore, I really enjoyed that part and appreciated that part very much,” said Mr. Edwards.

Shen Yun’s digital backdrop is patented technology. The projection allows the dancers to enter and exit scenes while giving off the impression that the characters are flying through heaven or to the palace on the moon.

Mr. Edwards shared that he thoroughly enjoyed the animated backdrops.

“My granddaughter was with me and just her asking a lot of questions: how did the people come to life? So I told her: magic,” he shared.

Sid Edwards and his family at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Baton Rouge River Center Theatre on Jan. 12, 2025. (Sonia Wu/The Epoch Times)
Sid Edwards and his family at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Baton Rouge River Center Theatre on Jan. 12, 2025. Sonia Wu/The Epoch Times
The Shen Yun orchestra is a unique combination of classic Western and traditional Chinese instruments.

Mr. Edwards expressed that he had never heard the erhu before, but he thought the music was beautiful.

Using dance and music, Shen Yun is able to portray stories from Chinese literature, history, myth, and legend.

“I thought [the stories] melded together, and I liked the order in which they went in. Really good,” said Mr. Edwards.

The mayor shared that Shen Yun is something everyone should experience.

“I would tell people you have to come experience this. You have to come to see it. It’s hard to describe,” he said.

He continued to say that Shen Yun isn’t just a spectacle but something to be felt as well.

“I just want to congratulate them on a job well done and how beautiful a story is written through art tonight. Just congratulations, and I’m proud of them,” he said.
Reporting by Sonia Wu, NTD, and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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