Ballerina Says Shen Yun Purifies Heart and Mind

Ballerina Says Shen Yun Purifies Heart and Mind
Korea ballerina Lee Jihyang poses with a Shen Yun poster. (Quan Yu/Epoch Times)

GWACHEON, Korea—Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company arrived at the second Korean City Gwacheon for four performances in three nights, and Korean ballerina Lee Jihyang saw the first performance at Gwacheon Citizen Hall on Feb. 11.

“The faces of the Shen Yun artists were very expressive. Together, the facial expressions and the body movements convey powerful emotions. The dancers, with their expressiveness on stage and their performing skills, were simply outstanding,” she said.

Ms. Lee added, “This was actually my second time seeing Shen Yun and the performance itself was still stunningly beautiful. This is something that you cannot see in Korea nowadays. It was just like last time. The performance was charmingly beautiful and the skills of the dancers were superb. The overall performance was simply great and beautiful. It seemed that there were more in the audience this year.”

“I am a professional ballerina,“ Ms. Lee said. ”And since I am greatly interested in classical Chinese dance, I have spent much time studying it. In fact, my Master’s dissertation is about classical Chinese dance.”

“The skill of Shen Yun artists are simply second to none. I myself couldn’t comment on it. The skill level was simply that high. And the performance by every single artist was simply perfect. The artists dance together as a single unit,” she said.

Ms. Lee, very gratified by what she had seen, said “I could actually sense the purity emitting from the movements of the artists. Now, having seen these artists, I felt that my heart and mind have been completely purified.”

“It was very refreshing to see stories told through different dances in Shen Yun. And the colors were nothing short of heavenly and magnificent. When the artists came out with the fans, it was very eye-catching. You couldn’t help yourself to say ‘Wow’ in the face of such beauty!”

Finally, Ms. Lee said, “Shen Yun is a must see performance—it would still be totally worth it if the ticket cost a lot more money. I think this is how I would recommend Shen Yun to others.”

‘Every program is perfect’

“It’s a very great and very well-done world-class performance. Every program is perfect.” said Pak Chol-on after seeing Shen Yun’s first performance.

Pak Chol-on, a famous politician known to everybody in South Korea, and also a renowned poet, praised the show: “It’s just at a very remarkable artistic level. The traditional dance was well-done. And there were dances manifesting martial arts.”

“Our soul and spirit, contaminated by complicated reality and everyday life, is purified after seeing Shen Yun perform.”

He said, “In real life, there are many grievances and conflicts. After we see such a great performance, those worries are completely swept away. The show brings us messages of warmth and purity.”

“Representing 5,000 years of the Chinese history and manifesting the Chinese culture and the essence of the tradition, it is a show of the highest level, especially for the difficult dance movements and the amazing flipping and tumbling movements. Now I realize that Chinese martial arts originated from the classical Chinese dance.”

As a renowned Korean poet, Pak Chol-on said that Shen Yun not only inspired his creativity, but also influenced the field of art in South Korea. He said that the performance “represents a brand-new, inspiring, and three-dimensional stage art. It must have a huge impact on Korean artists who have seen Shen Yun.”

“I was very happy when seeing the show,” he said. “Shen Yun is an inspiring production, showcasing 5,000 years of Chinese history and culture.”

He was so excited that he said in Chinese, “Shen Yun! I love Shen Yun!”

Pak Chol-on is the former Chief Executive of South Korea, congressman for three terms, poet, lawyer, and chief procurator. He was an influential figure during the administration of South Korean President Roh Tae-woo.

Reporting by Lee Jisung and Frank Fang, Dai Deman and Lisa Huang

Read the Chinese articles. [1] [2]

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.