Attorney Enjoys Soothing Aspects of Shen Yun

Attorney Enjoys Soothing Aspects of Shen Yun
Bob Henderson and his wife, Cathy, enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Mahalia Jackson Theater of the Performing Arts, New Orleans, on Feb. 4, 2018. "It is very moral and serene. Very good. I am glad that it is being preserved by Shen Yun," said Cathy Henderson, a speech pathologist with her own private clinic. NTD Television

“I enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the way it combines the digital effect on the screen [digital backdrop] with the live performers on the stage.”

“It was very noticeable—all the effort that it had gone into the costumes. ... The costumes for the women were really beautiful.”

“I enjoyed all the songs. I like music, and the orchestra was really good. So there was a lot to enjoy about the whole thing.”

“I mostly ... appreciate the soothing aspect of a lot of the scenes.”


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