Architect and Business Owner Impressed with Shen Yun’s Dance, Music, and Technology

Architect and Business Owner Impressed with Shen Yun’s Dance, Music, and Technology
Julie Grubermay attending Shen Yun perform at the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia on Saturday, April 26, 2014. Ms. Grubermay said that she saw the "joy and the exuberance" in the eyes and on the faces of Shen Yun's dancers. Frank Liang/Epoch Times

PHILADELPHIA—For architect Ivano D'angella, the harmony of dance, music, and technology made watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merriam Theater a wonderful experience. 

“I like the combination of the history, the cinematography, and the dance and culture,” said Mr. D‘angella, owner of Ivano D’angella Architects, after watching the performance on Saturday evening.

Shen Yun was founded in 2006 in New York with the mission of reviving 5,000 years of divinely-inspired Chinese culture. The hallmark of the performance is classical Chinese dance. Since its inception the company has performed for millions of people around the world.

Digital backdrops are another part of the performance. They use state-of-the-art graphics technology to create vividly animated settings that help take the audience on a journey through time.

Mr. D'angella said that all the artistic elements came together in a wonderful way. 

The dancers are also accompanied by the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra, which is unique in that it combines both classical Western and Chinese instruments. 

“The orchestra is wonderful,” said Mr. D'angella. “I loved the music.”

Mr. D'angella also said he enjoyed the spirituality of the traditional Chinese culture in the performance. 

A number of legends and tales from throughout China’s history are presented on stage through the dance and music, including portions of the classic “Monkey King.”

Also attending the performance Saturday evening was Julie Grubermay, who left particularly impressed by the dance.

“The movement of the dancers is just amazing ... the energy that comes from their bodies, you feel like it comes out and grabs you. It is just amazing to me,” said Ms. Grubermay, a nurse.

“To be this close--to see the joy and the exuberance in their eyes and on their faces--has been wonderful.”

Shen Yun features extraordinary talent from around the world, including many award-winning dancers. 

“It feels like they dance with a higher purpose within themselves, and that comes out in their dance,” Ms. Grubermay said.

“There is a spirituality to them.”

Reporting by Geng Jie Yang, Frank Liang, and Jasper Fakkert

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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