‘Amazing Colors! Amazing Music! Amazing Dances!’: Polish Audiences Welcome Shen Yun


On Jan. 3, Shen Yun Performing Arts concluded its third and last performance in the city of Bialystok, Poland. It was their first stop in the country. All the tickets were sold out ahead of the performances.

“My heart is on fire. Amazing colors! Amazing music! Amazing dances! This is a remarkable performance. The combination of all these things makes it so that a person wants more and more. And still has an appetite and can’t wait for the second act,” said Marcin Pawlak, chairman of the Supervisory Board for Polski Holding Brokerski.

“I totally like it. I really appreciate the explosion of colors and the movement. I have seen a lot of energy with the dancers. I really appreciate the music, the whole story, the history of the whole show,” said Małgorzata Sudra, a team leader at Pentacomp Systemy Informatyczne.

“I must say that it was a real feast for the soul. For all the senses you can have in yourself. It was beautiful, exciting, unique. Simply wonderful,” said Bożena Świrydowicz, a restaurant owner.

“All the images that were on stage, they moved my soul in a special way. It’s hard to say how with words, one has to sense it. My special attention was drawn to the subtitles of the songs. They had references to God. This is not very popular nowadays. It is very brave, but the world belongs to the brave.”

Through the form of Classical Chinese dance and the unique blend of traditional Chinese instruments and a Western Symphony orchestra, Shen Yun artists portray legends and stories from China’s 5,000-year-old history on stage.

Ewa Zadroga, a dentist, said: “the performance was amazing. Just absolutely incredible. Telling stories through dance ... requires a lot of work, so much effort.”

“I really enjoyed the combination of dance, live dance, with modern forms of communication [and] the digital background. It’s simply magical. Watching it is fantastic. It gives the impression of being overwhelmed almost, as if I’m inside it, including with the emotions. The emotions transfer from the screen to the audience, so I’m really impressed.”

Moral values were the cornerstone of ancient Chinese culture. According to its website, Shen Yun’s mission is to restore those traditions and showcase them throughout the world.

Andrzej Kowalczuk, a manager, said: “It was very, very interesting. It seemed to present the ancient Chinese approach to achieving spiritual balance—a balance between body and spirit, and life balance.”

Maria Karwowska, a restaurant owner, said: “I think everyone will find something for themselves and will have that moment to stop and to rethink, what he is doing in life, where he is, what he should continue to do.”

Marcin Pawlak said: “I can with a pure heart recommend this extraordinary performance to anyone and I only regret that this kind of format of performance is so rare in our country.”

Maria Karwowska said: “I would like to say, that [Shen Yun] should continue to do what they are doing. Let those people who have a message close to their heart, let them spread it out further into the world. This is definitely a good thing,”

Shen Yun’s next stop in Poland will be the city of Lublin where they will perform from Jan. 11 to 14.

NTD News, Bialystok, Poland
NTD News is a media sponsor for Shen Yun Performing Arts.

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