After Seeing Shen Yun, Japanese Audience Hope China’s True Traditions Will Last Forever

After Seeing Shen Yun, Japanese Audience Hope China’s True Traditions Will Last Forever
Mr. and Mrs. Sekiguchi at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Omiya Sonic City in Saitama, Japan, on Jan. 7, 2024. Zhang Ying/The Epoch Times

SAITAMA, Japan—The past 100 years of communist rule have made people forget that China once had 5,000 years of glorious and deep history. Shen Yun Performing Arts has made it its mission to revive that history and present it to the world.

“I never thought that China had such a long and noble tradition. This was very moving. I sincerely hope that this kind of tradition can last forever,” said Mr. Sekiguchi, an educational institution director.

Despite New York-based Shen Yun’s efforts to revive traditional Chinese culture, Shen Yun is unable to perform in China.
While watching the performance, Mr. Sekiguchi wondered, “Does this culture still exist in China today? It would be great if (Shen Yun) had the opportunity to perform in China—I really hope so,” he shared.
Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, a vividly expressive dance form, and each dance that is presented on stage is rehearsed to every last detail so that the audience only sees the best.

“It’s so beautiful! The aura emanating from the artists moved me greatly. They definitely put in a lot of effort and training to make the performance possible. It was really a wonderful performance,” said Mrs. Sekiguchi.

According to Shen Yun’s website, “Chinese theater often used a natural method of singing that in essence was no different from bel canto.” Shen Yun’s singers are using this technique on stage
“The singers had a very wide range and showed extraordinary volume. The soprano was especially exceptional. Her singing resounded in my ears, and it reached directly to my heart,” Mr. Sekiguchi.

‘Shen Yun Can Awaken Kindness From People’s Hearts’

After waiting years for a chance to see Shen Yun, Toshinari Sasaki, the director of a Japanese building material company, finally fulfilled his wish on January 7, 2024.

“I have been eager to see this performance for many years, and today, I finally got to. It was so wonderful, and I feel very happy,” said Mr. Sasaki.

Shen Yun’s artists learn about each role they portray, giving meaning to the dance movements that they present to the audience.

“I was deeply impressed by those gorgeous dances—every moment. All the dancers demonstrated extraordinary talent,” he said.

The colors of Shen Yun’s costumes compliment the colors seen in the digital backdrop—every detail seen on stage has its purpose.

“It made my heart become warmer. The colors and other elements of the show made me feel comfortable, which was wonderful,” said Mr. Sasaki.

Shen Yun strives to present the best from China’s 5,000 years of history, including the stories of filial piety, loyalty, and a belief in the divine.

“The world is sinking nowadays. People have become more selfish and morally corrupt. This is true all over the world. Things passed down by our ancestors are gradually disappearing, and it is crucial to restore traditional culture. If these beautiful traditional cultures and values can be preserved, the world can be purified,” remarked Mr. Sasaki.

He added that Shen Yun’s beauty is spreading positivity to the world.

“Seeing Shen Yun inspired positive emotions. With a positive mentality, people would be less selfish or less resentful of others. Bad emotions will naturally decrease. I believe that Shen Yun can evoke the kindness in our hearts,” said Mr. Sasaki.

Traditional Culture Is Important

Ms. Mami at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Omiya Sonic City in Saitama, Japan, on Jan. 6, 2024. (Terada Lingping/The Epoch Times)
Ms. Mami at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Omiya Sonic City in Saitama, Japan, on Jan. 6, 2024. Terada Lingping/The Epoch Times
Ms. Mami is a model and an influencer. After seeing Shen Yun at the Omiya Sonic City in Saitama on January 6, 2024, she said, “It is very important for modern people to understand and maintain traditional culture.”

Shen Yun’s songs and dances tell people that good people are rewarded for their kindness. Ms. Mami believes that people in today’s society need to be reminded of this.

“If you stay kind, you will be saved, and if you do good deeds, you will receive blessings. This is the message we really need to convey to today’s young people. It’s very important for modern people to understand and maintain these traditional cultures and virtues. So I hope more people can see Shen Yun,” she said.

Falun Dafa is a practice that improves the health of the mind and body. However, Falun Dafa is persecuted in China because the Chinese Communist Party cannot tolerate anyone being more popular than the party itself.

“I think there are many people who don’t know about this situation. I hope they can come to the show and get to know the real persecution happening now,” said Ms. Mami.

She also expressed her admiration for Shen Yun’s integration of the digital backdrop and live orchestra to fit every movement and beat on stage.

“The music fits the storyline very well, allowing every story to develop ... the backdrop images allowed the stories to be presented to its fullest. Although there was no spoken dialogue, the backdrop images, the music, and the dance told each story vividly,” she said.

‘The unique culture of China deeply moved me’

Shangpeng Wang at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Omiya Sonic City in Saitama, Japan on Jan. 7 2024. (Zhang Ying/The Epoch Times)
Shangpeng Wang at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Omiya Sonic City in Saitama, Japan on Jan. 7 2024. Zhang Ying/The Epoch Times

Shangpeng Wang is a Chinese expat who came to Japan over a decade ago.

After seeing Shen Yun on January 7, he shared that the song sung by Shen Yun’s soprano resonated with him deeply.

“I feel that (people) do not come (to the world) for no reason,” he said.

Mr. Wang expressed Shen Yun has given him confidence and pride in his culture.

“If Chinese people have no faith, it will be difficult for us to get through this (chaotic) period of cultural disconnection,” he said.

Since the Cultural Revolution, Chinese culture has been destroyed or manipulated. Mr. Wang found himself deeply moved when he saw Shen Yun putting true Chinese culture on the stage once again.

“Today, our culture has been broken, and we don’t know our roots. I have no idea about traditional Chinese culture, about things that are embedded into my genes. Many people don’t know the greatness of Chinese culture and lack cultural confidence,”

“The softness of the first dance, showing the unique culture of China, deeply moved me. I don’t know why, but tears crept into my eyes,” he said.

Mr. Wang expressed his earnest wish that Shen Yun will be able to perform in China in the near future.

“China will need this kind of thing (faith) very much in the future. If the Chinese people don’t have faith, it will be difficult for them to get through this (chaotic) period.”

Reporting by Zhang Ying, Terada Lingping and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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