Actor Finds ‘Life-Changing Experience’ at Shen Yun

Actor Finds ‘Life-Changing Experience’ at Shen Yun
Owen Harn attended Shen Yun’s evening performance at the Duke Energy Center for the Arts, Mahaffey Theater, in St. Petersburg, Fla., on March 23, 2018. NTD Television

“This is a life-changing experience for me. I’ve never been to a show like this in my life. ... I love it on every level. It broke my heart; it opened my heart.”

“Seeing everybody bringing together collectively, musically, I was blown away completely. ... All I can say tonight is that I was blown away.”

“It made me want to write my own projects and scripts and my own plays. I loved it. I thought it was amazing.”

“It made me enlightened, made me inspired to what I can possibly do into the future.”

“The beauty that [Shen Yun] showed me tonight ... broadened my horizon. It inspired me to make something better.”

“Maybe I am lost for words tonight because [the artists] have got me star-struck, and I am not used to being star-struck. I am just used to being a performer.”

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