NAGOYA, Japan—Japanese entrepreneurs and artists said they were excited from attending Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya on Jan. 27.
“I was uplifted. My whole body is swept up in this excitement,” said Ms. Endou Masayo, the president of a construction company, “The movements are absolutely beautiful and extremely difficult, but the dancers were completely unruffled. The music matched the dances perfectly. The orchestra coordinates with the stage so precisely. I appreciate Shen Yun’s performing.”
“This is a brand-new experience for me. The backdrop, stage, and orchestra cooperate as one body in the show,” she said. “It’s amazing.”
“The dancers are expressive. I felt they enjoyed the show as well,” she said. “They tried their best to make sure the success of the performance, and they made it. I kept my eyes on them from beginning to end.”
Ms. Endou said: “It’s an honor to attend such a spectacular!”
‘They Have Sincere Hearts’
Mr. Oshima Hirochika, the operation department manager of an IT company, said Shen Yun brought him “a wonderful artistic enjoyment.”He felt that the Shen Yun artists have not only super-high techniques and capabilities, but also great virtues.
“I could feel clearly that they have sincere hearts under their peaceful faces. This majestic performance is based on their hard daily training,” he said.
Mr. Oshima was impressed by the rich Chinese history that Shen Yun presented.

‘An Unexpected Gift from God’
“The performance is amazing!” said Ms. Yoshikawa Harue, a Japanese ocarina virtuoso. “Attending Shen Yun is an unexpected gift from God. I’m very content.”Ms. Yoshikawa’s friend had purchased a ticket but then could not attend, and gifted the ticket to her instead, and the event turned out to be a big surprise.
“I’m very glad that I had the chance to attend the show. This is a really good one. It’s kind of rewarding,” she said.
Every year, Shen Yun puts on an all-new production, including new choreography, music, costumes, and backdrop sets. Ms. Yoshikawa said she has already looked forward to attending Shen Yun again.
‘I Think Shen Yun Is Magic’
Ms. Murakami Keiko is a dance teacher. She said the classical Chinese dance that Shen Yun presented was excellent.“The dancers’ flexibility is magnificent. Each of their movements presented a very beautiful curve,” she said. “I was deeply touched.”
Ms. Murakami said Shen Yun dancers’ movements are very difficult to do, and have a strong impact and power that uplifted and inspired her.
“My heart soared when I saw the show,” she said. “I think Shen Yun is magic and has a divine nature.”
The name “Shen Yun” means the “beauty of divine beings dancing.”