Shen Yun’s Beauty, ‘It’s Like Heaven,’ Manager Says

Shen Yun’s Beauty, ‘It’s Like Heaven,’ Manager Says
Tamre Varallo enjoyed Shen Yun's performance at the Shea's Performing Arts Center in Buffalo, N.Y., on May 10, 2018. Teng Xinxin/The Epoch Times

“I’ve been to China several times and I got to see China in a different way through the show because of the culture. I’ve enjoyed the precision and the artistry and going through the different stages of history.”

“China has such a deeper root to the divine. I didn’t know that before. To see China and to see it in real life [in China] and then to see it perform, it just brought both of those things together in a spectacular way. It was beautiful.”

“The music was spectacular and the dancing they were floating on air. The perfection was amazing to me.”

“[The message I got was] to believe in God. To believe in the spirit above and hope. There is hope.”

“I saw halos behind the dancers—angelic and divine. But the spirit was there and you could feel it. So I’m glad. ... Peace. Very peaceful.”

“It was enjoyable to see the digital effects [digital backdrop] but the beauty of the human dancers and the story within them was more spectacular to me.”

“The dedication that they put in and the time to have the perfection that they did usually would take years of practice and some of them are very young. So I think the spirit guides them. ... I think they are driven by the spirit. They get their power from the spirit.”

“Their dedication and their connection to the spirit that allows them—you could see their connection to the divine.”

“The music was just, I do not know how to describe it. Sometimes you cannot describe things that are so profound—it was bigger than life. ... There aren’t words to describe the beauty. ... It’s like heaven.”

“The instrument [erhu] sounded like it was singing.”


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