Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ’transports you to another world’

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ’transports you to another world’
Letitia Montana enjoyed Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra's performance at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, on Oct. 5, 2018. Madalina Hubert/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

“I love the mix of Eastern and Western music. And I found a lot of the songs very playful. Yes, I really enjoyed it.”

“I felt I was transported somewhere else in time, like in a different era. I did feel the ancient type of vibes and atmosphere. Some of the later songs felt very modern and playful. And I never heard that kind of symphonic music before.”

“Elation comes to mind, very light-hearted, playful … soulful and playful at the same time.”

“It just transports you to another world. It is a nice escape from the day-to-day living.”

“At some point I felt I was going to enter an empire … you know like marching in with the army of a king.”

“I’ve gone to classical music concerts before. I enjoyed other classical music concerts, but this was an unexpected combination ... a lot of fun.”


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