Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ‘Just Made You Feel Good,’ Says Retired Professor

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ‘Just Made You Feel Good,’ Says Retired Professor
Charles Stansfield, a retired researcher and businessman, and Charlene Rivera, a retired professor and former executive director of the George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education, enjoyed Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra at the Music Center at Strathmore, North Bethesda, Maryland, on Oct. 10, 2018. NTD Television

“It was a very excellent performance. I enjoyed the performance greatly, it was wonderful. The music is beautiful, it makes you think about the history of China which I don’t know a whole lot about; I know a little bit, but I don’t know huge amounts. It was very, very beautiful; beautifully done.”

“The history, ... also the way the music is described in terms of bringing you to the garden—there are reminiscences of dancers taking you to the creation scene, and demonstrating all of the different emotions that go through people’s minds. I loved the performance.”

“It was very melodic, and also just made you feel good. The mixture [of Western and Eastern instruments] was wonderful. The musicians are wonderful.”


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