Shen Yun Stories Inspire Award-Winning Poet and Creative Writer

Shen Yun Stories Inspire Award-Winning Poet and Creative Writer
Rita Geil (R) and her friend enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, on Feb. 8, 2023. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

RENO, Nev.—Feb. 8 was the second time award-winning poet and creative writer Rita Geil saw a Shen Yun performance when she came with a friend. She called a “happy accident.”

“I was invited to come with a friend who didn’t know I‘d seen it and was saying, ’Would you be interested in something like this?‘ And I said, ’Oh, this is not to be missed.' It is so inventive, and so gorgeous. And so well done,” said Ms. Geil at the the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and uses the art to bring 5,000 years of Chinese civilization to life.
The stories ignited the creative writer in her. “I will be writing about it for myself. It’s building and you don’t want to give away its energy.” She said she felt an uplifting energy from Shen Yun. “It’s an uplift, yes, and a peace and serenity that is invited and then enjoyed.”

Ms. Geil said everyday people are “busy with projects, and [Shen Yun] lifts you out of that to a higher place where you can understand the connections between all things.”

She noted the spiritual quality of the performances. “It is extremely spiritual, but expressed with tremendous athleticism and artistry. And so to bring that down from the higher levels, to bring it into a reality on stage that can be communicated to people is, it’s just magical.”
I really appreciate the uplifting, bringing your mind and your spirit to a higher place where it really belongs. I think it's wonderful that we had a chance to do it.
Rita Geil

“I don’t think God is separate from us, that He just made us sit down here. But I really appreciate the uplifting, bringing your mind and your spirit to a higher place where it really belongs. I think it’s wonderful that we had a chance to do it.”

Ms. Geil commented on other dimensions. “Other dimensions are right here, [but] we are not aware of it. And a performance like this makes us aware of it. And of our connection to it’s right here in front of us.”

“A performance like this gives us a place where we can take a moment to realize what is really going on, and the connection between the divine and humanity. It’s all right here.”

Ms. Geil had spoken to the founder of Shen Yun and called it a privilege. “This was the first time I came. I just was bold enough just to walk up to him, but very politely.

“I just saw him sitting alone, and I had seen his picture in the program. Well, I walked up to him. I was moved. As I walked away, I said, ‘Thank you.’ He was very pleased. He didn’t say anything. I just said ’thank you' for what he has done.”

Reporting by Mary Mann and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006. 
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