Shen Yun Speaks to the Heart

Shen Yun Speaks to the Heart
Mr. Heinz Hofmann, retired CEO from Credit Suisse Asset Management Limited, enjoyed the Shen Yun opening perfromance at the Musical Theater Basel, Switzerland, on April 3, 2018. NTD Television

“I truly enjoyed the Shen Yun performance. I’m at a loss of words when I think of the beautiful, traditional ancient China. The music was wonderful and the musical instruments were amazing. The erhu captured my heart, and I remembered having heard it many years ago.”

“The Shen Yun show is captivating, and extremely professional. Everything was amazing, including the computer animation on the backdrop.”

“Shen Yun speaks to the heart. The classical dance was invigorating and truly art at its best.”

“I believe that this show is not just dance and music, but has a deeper meaning—just as a performance should be”

“The show tells a story, and this story contains many truths. This is of great importance and I enjoyed it.”


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