Shen Yun Shows What Society Needs Right Now, Says Financial Specialist

Shen Yun Shows What Society Needs Right Now, Says Financial Specialist
Katerina and Nazar Bylen enjoyed Shen Yun at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga on March 26, 2023. Dongyu Teng/The Epoch Times
MISSISSAUGA, Canada—Katerina and Nazar Bylen, who both work in the financial industry, had seen Shen Yun Performing Arts once before the pandemic. With the New York-based dance company’s return to Mississauga, the couple wanted to attend again, this time with their daughter, who also dances.
“It’s really spiritual, so it really helps, especially with everything going on in the world—it brings out a very powerful message to younger generations as well,” said Mrs. Bylen at the Living Arts Centre after the March 26 matinee.
“The show brings out a lot of good values, traditional values,“ added Mr. Bylen. ”It is very important right now in the society to come back to these values. Seems like we are losing them, right?”
Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company and has a mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. The ancient Chinese believed their culture was a gift from the heavens, and society revolved around the concept of harmony between heaven, earth, and humankind, as explained on Shen Yun’s website.
The Bylens felt Shen Yun’s performance put people in touch with something fundamental to humanity.
“There are a lot of distractions that are going on in the society that pulls us away from it, right? And they touched it,” said Mr. Bylen. 
“It’s like a reminder for people, and I am very glad to see that such mainstream show is based on that because that is the core message, we have to go within, we have to remember the good qualities, the compassion, the focus on those things, not the anger, fear, hatred, but the goodness within ourselves. That we are here called for, eventually we find it within ourselves, that’s our calling in this world.”
Mrs. Bylen was happy younger generations were seeing Shen Yun and have a reference point of what they saw in the performance to compare against what they see out in the world. She felt the performance would give them a lasting, positive message.
I have goosebumps,“ she said, explaining that ”I feel this is when something truth is coming out, that’s how my body reacts to truth.”
“You have the sensation in your body, but I can feel it inside if you feel right in your heart,” she said. “This is a seed that you plant it there—in their understanding—this is what she [my daughter] felt. She felt the connection, she was so into it, she loves Shen Yun.”
Mr. Bylen was also glad to see Shen Yun was an effort carried forth by young people.
I am sure a lot of people walking away, it’s touched their hearts,“ he said. ”It’s a little seed that is planted in people, especially here in Western society, a lot of them are disconnected from their inner culture. I think it’s great, it’s amazing, definitely—we will be back again.”
“I feel there is something—that something has been actually touched inside of me,” he said. “A goodness ... it resonates with the goodness that we have within us. What the artists demonstrated, if you are in touch of your inner self, you can instantly feel the connection. Then what happens is that every little person feels that vibration inside of them, they go to their work, they go to their homes, it starts to spread, that’s how it works.”
“We need that right now in the society,” he said.
Reporting by Dongyu Teng. 
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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