Shen Yun Shows the ‘Golden Age’ We Are Waiting For, Says Theater Director

Shen Yun Shows the ‘Golden Age’ We Are Waiting For, Says Theater Director
Chiqui Checo, new director of Gran Teatro del Cibao, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the theater on Feb. 6. NTD
Epoch Newsroom

SANTIAGO, Dominican Republic—Shen Yun Performing Arts had just finished its performances in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, to great acclaim. After receiving praise from leaders in the arts and country at the Eduardo Brito National Theater, New York-based Shen Yun was set to visit Santiago.

On Feb. 6, the world’s top classical Chinese dance company took to the stage at the Gran Teatro del Cibao.

Among the audience members was Chiqui Checo, the new director Gran Teatro del Cibao and an educator, who thought Shen Yun’s performance lived up to its name, and that only via experiencing Shen Yun in person could one grasp its full magnificence.

“I found it to be a show not to be missed,” Ms. Checo said. “To anyone who can come to see this show, really, don’t miss it ... This is an experience that you have to live [for yourself], and I invite everyone who can to live this experience.”

Shen Yun means “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” which Ms. Checo said was exactly what she experienced.

Ms. Checo said the performance was beautiful and the orchestra was spectacular, “but above all impressive with the message it has through art.”

“Not only of what is happening in China but also of the spiritual values involved in this show, that really left me very impressed,” she said. For her, it showed “all the divine and all the spiritual, and the way to go.”

Ms. Checo said the finale of the performance exemplified this experience.

“Because it is very much about the golden age that is coming at some point for humanity, and I felt totally identified with the closing of the show, with the golden age or the golden stage that we humans are waiting for,” she said. “I loved it! That’s really worth seeing.”

To Shen Yun, she wanted to express gratitude: “Thank you for coming to visit us here in Santiago, Dominican Republic. It is an honor for us.”

Reporting by NTD.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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