Shen Yun Showcases ‘Chinese High Culture’: Glimpses of What Chairman Mao Destroyed

Shen Yun Showcases ‘Chinese High Culture’: Glimpses of What Chairman Mao Destroyed
Sarah (M) and Jessica Wilks (R) with a friend attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Sydney Lyric Theatre, in Sydney, Australia, on April 14, 2022. Li Qianyi/The Epoch Times

SYDNEY, Australia—As Shen Yun Performing Arts continues its celebrated 2022 run of shows in Australia, the beauty and traditional culture on display gave audience members a true experience of “China before communism.”

Sarah Wilks, an apprentice jewellery designer, said the show opened her eyes to what communism has destroyed in China.

Watching Shen Yun present authentic Chinese culture left Ms. Wilks wondering about “what Chairman Mao destroyed.”

“I think it’s very sad to see the contrast of what I was taught as a young person was the aesthetic of China, and to come along and to see something like this ... It’s absolutely beautiful,” she said.
Ms. Wilks noted how despite having friends who are Chinese and learning about China her whole life, she felt as if her eyes were opened to the beauty of what she called Chinese high culture.

“It is very, very different from what I’ve been told [about] it my whole life growing up as a Western person ... I’ve got many friends from China. It’s just it’s eye-opening to see this,” she said.

“Most Western people will not have seen this, and they will be very surprised to say, ‘Oh, this is Chinese high culture. This is traditional Chinese culture,'” she said.
Joining Sarah at the show was family member Jessica Wilks, who is an environmental policy officer with the New South Wales government; she was also joined by a friend. Jessica said she felt what Shen Yun is doing is important for reviving the traditional culture of China.
It's important that traditional cultures aren't lost and that they're kept alive so that we can enjoy their beauty forever.
Jessica Wilks

“I think it’s very important; it’s important that traditional cultures aren’t lost and that they’re kept alive so that we can enjoy their beauty forever,” Jessica said.

Jessica was moved by some of the spiritual aspects of the performance.

“I’m not a very spiritual person, but even watching it, I felt very moved and very interested, and I could really feel the joy and the depth of feeling in the performances,” she said. “And that I could really feel the spiritual aspect, so I enjoyed that.”

Both women also noted that they were stunned and moved by the dance “Plum Blossoms,” with Sarah noting that she would be taking inspiration from the show for her own work.

“I’m actually very interested in some of the Chinese aesthetic, ” she said.

“And I’m hoping to incorporate some of that into some earrings that I’m planning. I will be incorporating that wheel motif of petals into some jewellery in the future.”

She urged everyone in Sydney to make the trip to see Shen Yun.

“Everybody, please come and see this while it’s still here before it goes,” she said. “Come here and see it in Sydney if you live in Sydney and save yourself going to Melbourne because it’s really worth seeing.”

Reporting by Li Qianyi and Victoria Kelly-Clark.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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