Shen Yun Shares the Hope of Heaven

Shen Yun Shares the Hope of Heaven
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison enjoy Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Music Hall, on Dec. 22, 2017. "I think it’s admirable when someone is standing up for their faith, even unto death," Mrs. Harrison said of one of the stories depicted in a dance. Catherine Wen/The Epoch Times

“First of all, that it’s not allowed in China, so must be good. [laugh] and it was good, very creative, colorful, broad, it’s just a very comprehensive presentation,

“I feel like … these dancers are using everything that they have, … They’re flying through the air, and it takes a lot of energy, a lot of control. You see, I see a lot of discipline. … years and years of this discipline.”

“The professionalism seems to come from their hearts—that you could see it in their face.”

“Same values, family and life … and the shared Heaven: to share hope of Heaven with other people, that’s the big, great message.”

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