Shen Yun Music So Touching It Brought Tears to Angel Investor’s Eyes

Shen Yun Music So Touching It Brought Tears to Angel Investor’s Eyes
Lidia Zalewska and Maciej Kowalski attended a Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall on Oct. 7, 2018, on their visit to New York from Poland. Weiyong Zhu/The Epoch Times

“There were tears in my eyes. I was crying, crying!”

“We’re from Poland, we just came very spontaneously.”

“The quality of the performance is excellent, it’s really world-class.”

“It was very touching for me, I love Tchaikovsky. I have two little baby girls and I just wish they were here with me.”

“[I feel] uplifted, like it’s heavenly.”

“The three-time standing ovation can speak for itself. I had tears in my eyes when they were playing Tchaikovsky, the Waltz from Sleeping Beauty, it was stunning, definitely recommended for everyone, and it was a great surprise for us, same again, the mixture of European and Asian music, it was very unique for us, something that we can’t hear a lot in Europe, so great experience, definitely highly recommended for everyone.”


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